Seminar on “Recent Developments in Private International Law”


We would like to invite you to the seminar on “Recent Developments in Private International Law”, under the framework of the project “The application of Rome I and II Regulations and EC 4/2009 by legal practitioners in Southern Europe – EUROME”, specific programme Civil Justice.

The seminar will take place at “Amfitheatro Ioannis Manoledakis”, Bar Association of Thessaloniki, Tsimiski 103- Diagonios on 25/1/2012, 18:00.

“Regulation Rome I and the Proposal for a Regulation on Sales of Goods”, Prof. Guillermo Palao, University of Valencia

“Regulation Rome I and International Conventions  (in particular the Rotterdam Rules)”, Prof. Laura Carpaneto, University of Genoa

“Regulation Rome II and Producer’s Liability”, Dr. Vassilios Kourtis, Lecturer, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki

International Litigation under Regulations Rome I and Rome II”,  Prof. Nikolay Natov, University of Sofia

“International Arbitration and Regulations Rome I and Rome II”, Ass. Prof. Dr.  Crenguta Leaua, Law Department, Bucharest University of Economics.

Nikolaos Valergakis, President of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki
Prof. Evangelos Vassilakakis, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki

All lectures will be delivered in English
Certificates of attendance will be given